Sgunfu di talwit a Da 3li.

Précédent   Sahel > Crif xeddam, Ferḥat, Lunis, lwennas et Muḥya > Lunis Ait Menguellet > Traductions

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Vieux 08/06/2011, 22h17
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Icerfan Icerfan est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: mai 2011
Messages: 2 017
Par défaut Album : Tell us old sage (Innid a yamγaṛ) (ENG]

Tell us old sage

Here, it is knowledge and wisdom which are calling us. The old man symbolizes the memory of oral cultures we are afraid will die with us. And even if the questions raised here reflect deep anxieties, the questioners of the old man look for a wise and reasoned solution to these problems.

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