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Vieux 16/06/2011, 14h29
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Icerfan Icerfan est déconnecté
Date d'inscription: mai 2011
Messages: 2 017
Par défaut Album : The white sheet (Tawṛiqt tacebḥant) [ENG]

From the beginning to the end
(Tagara n tezwert)

The words come out simply
Then they are ordered
Finding their place among their brothers
Waiting for the song to transport them
One does not dwell on them
Another learns them
Yet another understands them
At last they irritate those who don’t understand at all

The white sheet remains frozen
As anyone knows who has had to deal with it
How to get out the words
Even if we are in constant movement
The pen does not move
The hand is restrained by reason
And he who is finally given deliverance
Gifts this to those it will irritate

Let the water run its course
Life is so short
Observe those who can benefit from it
Who say that we only die once
Let those who do nothing but wait
In the belief they will alleviate their plight imploring
Let those who do nothing but dream
Perhaps they will have their revenge in paradise

Even if we are afraid of conflict
We know it will not spare us
Everyone says it is bad
Even if he makes it his companion
We have our share of conflict
One cannot escape
When we will believe it has been defeated
Anger will always be reborn

Leave, return, what difference is there
Troubles travel with us
When we seek a cure for a calamity
Another appears just as quickly
Profit has become synonymous with trouble
Poverty breeds jealousy
Troubles and wealth fatten the waters
Rivers that carry with them those who stumble

Even if your heart yearns and challenges
We have no power in our hands
Even if it wants to do nothing but good
And it could make it happen
Troubles will not spare us
Let us hope they will fade with time
Perhaps we can rid ourselves of some
And learn to live with the others



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